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Albert Einstein, Zen Master

Zennish Series, Book 2

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Albert Einstein was a Zen master? 
I think so, and I aim to prove it. 

Imagine understanding how Einstein viewed the world, the Universe, and God. What if you could have the same understanding? How could it change your own outlook on life?

Dr. Matthew Barnes, chemist, biochemist, doctor, and bestselling author of The Emerald Tablet 101, The Hermetica 101, The Tao Te Ching 101, The Bhagavad Gita 101, and Jesus Christ, Zen Master presents his case for Einstein as being not only one of the most influential scientists of our time but also one of the most spiritual (in his own, unique way). 

In this work, you’ll discover: 

  • In what ways Einstein’s views of reality coincide with those of some of the greatest Zen masters to have ever lived, past and present. 

  • Quotes ranging from funny to contemplative to serious that outline my belief that through his unique understanding of the Universe, Einstein seems to have developed an appreciation for the forces of the natural world that are congruent with the philosophical ideals held by Zen, Taoist, and other Eastern religious masters through the ages.

  • Why Einstein considered himself to be “a deeply religious nonbeliever”?

(Do you know what he considered himself to be instead?)

  • Why Einstein felt his viewpoints on God to be a “somewhat new
    kind of religion”. (Hint: It turns out that his views may not have been all that new, but really really old instead.)

  • How you too can begin to enjoy Einstein’s view of the world, the Universe, and God.  

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” -Albert Einstein

Excerpt from the Book:

“I see a pattern, but my imagination cannot picture the maker of that pattern. I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one?” -Albert Einstein

This quote by Einstein reminds me of a Zen master describing his ascension into understanding.

Einstein had all the facts in front of him. He knew the science. He knew the laws of this world and had great admiration for them. But in trying to envision the intelligence beyond it all, he ran into a barrier that couldn’t be passed. Not by the conscious mind.

Whatever that intelligence was, it was impossible by human understanding to come to terms with it. His mind churned, hit the wall and quit. Then the reality emerged. Not from the conscious mind, for it’s not capable, but by the unified mind. The intuitive, unified consciousness beyond our ego-driven analytical minds.


“Silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers.”

-Zen Proverb






"Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” It is obvious that Matthew Barnes, the author of this book, fully understands the basic teachings of Zen, because the parallels he draws between certain things Einstein has said and Zen beliefs are stated in a remarkably clear and concise manner. You don’t have to be a genius to grasp the concepts Barnes plainly puts forth. With simple explanations and examples, Barnes introduces the reader to a spiritual understanding of life that is quite beautiful—one that seems very much in alignment with Einstein’s own thoughts about the ultimate nature of this mysterious and miraculous universe we live in."

-Steven Lane Taylor, author of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat: A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow”

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